Focusing on enhancing competitiveness and cash flow generation
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. February 19th, 2025 – Alpek, S.A.B. de C.V. (“Alpek”) announced today its 2025 guidance figures and key assumptions.
As we move into 2025, demand levels and reference margins across our business segments are expected to remain similar to those seen in 2024. Consequently, this will result in a volume increase, primarily in the Polyester segment. We anticipate industry conditions to remain challenging, and temporary benefits, such as higher ocean freight costs seen last year, are not likely to be repeated in 2025. However, Alpek remains well-positioned to adapt to the current economic landscape as it has executed key initiatives to prioritize free cash flow, enhance its competitiveness, and maintain its position as a strong domestic supplier.
Alpek’s guidance figures are based on the following key market assumptions:
- Asian Integrated PET Reference Margin of U.S. $270 per ton
- Chinese PET Reference Margins of U.S. $160 per ton
- North American PP reference margin stable at U.S. $0.14 per pound
- Return to historical levels for ocean freight costs
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